The E-Meter®

Spiritual Counseling Device

Mark Ultra VIII® E-Meter

Unique to the Scientology religion—and revolutionary in the field of spiritual development—is the use by auditors of the electropsychometer, or E-Meter, a religious artifact. In Dianetics and Scientology, auditors use the E-Meter to help isolate areas of spiritual travail or upset that exist below a person’s current awareness. Once brought to light, such trouble areas can then be examined by the individual without the subjective influences that attend spiritual counseling practices of other religions.

Mr. Hubbard developed the E-Meter based on the knowledge that the mind contains mental image pictures, actual recordings of past experiences. These pictures contain energy and mass. When a person views one of these mental image pictures or thinks a thought, the E-Meter registers with precision the changes which occur in this mental mass and energy. The E-Meter does not diagnose or cure anything; it simply measures the state or change of state of an individual and serves as a guide as to what should be addressed in an auditing session.

The E-Meter does not diagnose or cure anything; it simply measures the state or change of state of an individual.