Inspector General Network

Guaranteeing the Purity of Dianetics and Scientology

To preserve its objective oversight function, RTC is not involved in any way in the management of Churches or in the actual ministry of Dianetics and Scientology to public parishioners. Therefore, those responsibilities fall squarely on the shoulders of CSI, which supervises the ecclesiastical management of all Scientology Churches, along with the dissemination and propagation of the religion.

RTC stands apart as an external body which protects the Scientology religion and acts as the final arbiter of orthodoxy. At the apex of this pivotal function is RTC’s Inspector General Network, which operates from offices on five continents. The duties and authority of an RTC Inspector General are much like those traditionally associated with the inspector general title in other organizations. Namely, an Inspector General investigates and corrects instances in which departure from orthodox Scientology could betray an Organization’s service to its congregation.

Namely, an Inspector General investigates and corrects instances in which departure from orthodox Scientology could betray an Organization’s service to its congregation.

Religious Technology Center guarantees the continued purity of Dianetics and Scientology by ensuring that the trademarks and technology it protects are kept in proper hands and used standardly throughout the world. Concurrently, by monitoring those responsible for Church administration and the ministry of services to parishioners, RTC ensures a strong and incorruptible Church management—one which can never be subject either to internal politics or external attempts to harm the religion. With this guarantee, the ecclesiastical hierarchy of the Scientology religion is protected against intrusion, and parishioners can attain the spiritual freedom they seek when they enter a Church of Scientology.

Through the exact application of the materials of Dianetics and Scientology, an individual may achieve not only a full understanding of himself as a spiritual being, but true spiritual freedom. Thus, Scientologists across the globe view the maintenance and incorruptibility of their religious technology—in precise accordance with the Founder’s source writings—to be essential to their spiritual salvation.

Religious Technology Center works, then, to guarantee that L. Ron Hubbard’s legacy of spiritual freedom continues to exist tomorrow, next year or 10,000 years from now. To millions of Scientologists around the world, there is nothing more important.